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constructor(iconName: String, context: Context, tint: Color, iconFont: IconFont, size: Dp = DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE_DP.dp, weight: FontWeight = FontWeight(DEFAULT_ICON_WEIGHT))

A drawable that draws the icon iconName using the iconFont. The icon will be size × size dp, and will be tinted with tint. If iconFont is a variable font, weight will applied as a variation setting, or else the font with the nearest weight will be picked.

constructor(icon: Char, context: Context, tint: Color, iconFont: IconFont, size: Dp = DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE_DP.dp, weight: FontWeight = FontWeight(DEFAULT_ICON_WEIGHT))

A drawable that draws the icon using the iconFont. The icon will be size × size dp, and will be tinted with tint. If iconFont is a variable font, weight will applied as a variation setting, or else the font with the nearest weight will be picked.

constructor(iconName: String, typeface: Typeface, fontFeatureSettings: String?, tint: Color, density: Density, size: Dp = DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE_DP.dp)

A drawable that draws the icon iconName using the typeface. The icon will be size × size dp, and will be tinted with tint.

constructor(icon: Char, typeface: Typeface, fontFeatureSettings: String?, tint: Color, density: Density, size: Dp = DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE_DP.dp)

A drawable that draws the icon using the typeface. The icon will be size × size dp, and will be tinted with tint.

constructor(iconName: String, iconFont: StaticIconFont, tint: Color, context: Context, density: Density, size: Dp = DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE_DP.dp, weight: FontWeight = FontWeight(DEFAULT_ICON_WEIGHT))

A drawable that draws the icon iconName using the iconFont. The icon will be size × size dp, and will be tinted with tint.

constructor(icon: Char, iconFont: StaticIconFont, tint: Color, context: Context, density: Density, size: Dp = DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE_DP.dp, weight: FontWeight = FontWeight(DEFAULT_ICON_WEIGHT))

A drawable that draws the icon using the iconFont. The icon will be size × size dp, and will be tinted with tint.

@RequiresApi(value = 26)
constructor(iconName: String, typeface: Typeface, fontFeatureSettings: String?, fontVariationSettings: Array<out FontVariation.Setting>, tint: Color, density: Density, size: Dp = DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE_DP.dp, weight: FontWeight = FontWeight(DEFAULT_ICON_WEIGHT))

A drawable that draws the icon iconName using the variable typeface. The icon will be size × size dp, and will be tinted with tint.

@RequiresApi(value = 26)
constructor(icon: Char, typeface: Typeface, fontFeatureSettings: String?, fontVariationSettings: Array<out FontVariation.Setting>, tint: Color, density: Density, size: Dp = DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE_DP.dp, weight: FontWeight = FontWeight(DEFAULT_ICON_WEIGHT))

A drawable that draws the icon using the variable typeface. The icon will be size × size dp, and will be tinted with tint.

@RequiresApi(value = 26)
constructor(iconName: String, iconFont: VariableIconFont, tint: Color, context: Context, density: Density, size: Dp = DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE_DP.dp, weight: FontWeight = FontWeight(DEFAULT_ICON_WEIGHT))

A drawable that draws the icon iconName using the variable iconFont. The icon will be size × size dp, and will be tinted with tint.

@RequiresApi(value = 26)
constructor(icon: Char, iconFont: VariableIconFont, tint: Color, context: Context, density: Density, size: Dp = DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE_DP.dp, weight: FontWeight = FontWeight(DEFAULT_ICON_WEIGHT))

A drawable that draws the icon using the variable iconFont. The icon will be size × size dp, and will be tinted with tint.


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open fun clearColorFilter()
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open fun getAlpha(): Int
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open fun getCurrent(): Drawable
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open fun getDirtyBounds(): Rect
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open fun getHotspotBounds(p0: Rect)
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fun getLevel(): Int
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open fun getMinimumHeight(): Int
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open fun getMinimumWidth(): Int
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open fun getOutline(p0: Outline)
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open fun getPadding(p0: Rect): Boolean
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open fun getState(): IntArray
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open fun invalidateSelf()
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open fun isProjected(): Boolean
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open fun isStateful(): Boolean
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open fun mutate(): Drawable
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open fun scheduleSelf(p0: Runnable, p1: Long)
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open fun setAutoMirrored(p0: Boolean)
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open fun setBounds(p0: Rect)
open fun setBounds(p0: Int, p1: Int, p2: Int, p3: Int)
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open fun setDither(p0: Boolean)
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open fun setFilterBitmap(p0: Boolean)
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open fun setHotspot(p0: Float, p1: Float)
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open fun setHotspotBounds(p0: Int, p1: Int, p2: Int, p3: Int)
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fun setLevel(p0: Int): Boolean
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open fun setState(p0: IntArray): Boolean
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open fun setTint(p0: Int)
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open fun setVisible(p0: Boolean, p1: Boolean): Boolean
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open fun unscheduleSelf(p0: Runnable)